Writing winning Adwords ads...

When you only have three lines with which to work, it might seem impossible to write a great ad.

Many people have approached Adwords with just that mindset--and they've paid the price.

Those three lines may not offer a great deal of flexibility or room to cover every feature and benefit in which you think your customers may have an interest, but they're all you have. You can't afford not to make the most of them.

Here are a few ways to turn your three-line Adwords ad into a mini-masterpiece.

Remember, Headlines Matter: You have to have a knockout headline. This isn't like a long sales letter where you might be able to make up a little bit for a weak opening with later material. Your headlines must be P E R F E C T. If they aren't, you're losing money. Write them. Edit them. Adjust them. Re-write them. Take them seriously.

Resist Shorthand: Don't go crazy with the abbreviations or shorthand to make up for the lost space. It doesn't convey more or make your ad enticing. It looks confusing and unprofessional. Whittling your message down into three lines is tough, but you'll just have to make some choices. You can't abbreviate your way into squeezing more into the ad.

Perfection Required. A typo or two may disappear into a long sales letter, but they will shine like neon in a Adwords ad. Edit and proofread. Then, do it again. Then, do it again. Then, look it over again. You get the idea. There's no room for error.

If you can write a killer headline, avoid shorthand and use impeccable grammar/spelling, you'll be on your way to a great ad.

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