Those pennies can add up...

One of the most common reasons for PPC problems is a failure of the advertiser to stay on top of his or her campaign. Adwords and the other other major PPC players have nice little "set and forget" systems. You build your campaign and can then leave it on "autopilot."

The problem is that many people use that option a little too much. They let their campaigns run and don't check the regularly. It doesn't seem like a big deal when you're buying traffic for a few pennies, a nickel or a dime. It doesn't rate a CODE RED on the to-do list.

Those small expenditures, however, have a way of building up. Too often, one checks a campaign only to find that costs are higher than anticipated or near the pre-set cap while sales are still way too low. Meanwhile, the Google bill has been growing with each useless click.

You don't need a PC dedicated to PPC management and you don't need to check your stats obsessively in five minute increments.

You do, however, need to check your numbers regularly and to be prepared to step in at a moment's notice if it looks like things are going south. If you keep running a faulty campaign in the background, those pennies can add up!

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